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Driveway - Dartford

Design Brief

The brief for this front garden in Dartford was simple. A need for off-street car parking combined with a wish for colourful, low maintenance planting. The front garden was very sunny in the afternoon so drought-tolerant planting was essential.

Front gardens are crucial for making a first impression on visitors and also for improving the look of a street. Typically, many landscapers let themselves (and the client) down by a lack of imagination. As the following photos show it is possible to create a functional space which offers space for car parking whilst being a bright, intelligent space in its own right, not only complimenting the property but providing an array of seasonal colour. Natural stone details give the space a sophisticated touch of uniqueness.


Drought tolerant planting

Plants and materials compliment each other

Porphyry sett detailing

Bespoke railings for a classic look

Cobbles and natural stone help to conserve moisture in planting areas

Grasses to soften the brickwork

    Sample Plants

    Phormium 'Baby Bronze', Lavandula 'Hidcote', Hebe 'Pagei', Stipa tenuissima, Teucrium fruticans compactum


    Natural Porphyry setts, Natural Sandstone setts, Marshalls Saxon Paving (reinforced), bespoke railings, Caledonian cobbles.